Why In India Steering Is On The Right Side Unlike Other Countries?

Today, many countries around the world drive on the left side of the road. But India still follows its traditional way of having right-side steering & driver seats.
What is Right-Hand Side Steering and Why Is it Used in India?
Right-hand side steering is a type of steering system adopted by India, where the driver sits on the right side of the vehicle and steers from that side. This is in contrast to left-hand drive countries, where the driver sits on the left side and steers from that side.
Right-hand side steering has been adopted in India for several reasons, including safety concerns, cultural preferences and practicality.
In this article, we will discuss why right-hand side steering is used in India and explore some of its advantages and disadvantages.
Historical Reasons Behind Why India Uses Right-Hand Side Steering
India has a long history of driving on the right side of the road. The country leaders believed that it was more convenient and safer to drive on the right side of the road, and this practice was adopted by Indian people.
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Today, most countries around the world drive on the left side of the road. But India still follows its traditional way of navigation system, with drivers steering their vehicles to the right side.
There are several historical reasons behind this unique practice in India, some of which include old businesses’ influence on Indian roads and its convenience for horse-drawn carriages at that time.
In this article, we will explore these reasons in detail and understand why India still uses a right-hand side steering system today.
The Geographical & Cultural Factors That Impacted India’s Choice for Right-Hand Side Steering
India’s decision to choose right-hand side steering is rooted in its geography and culture.
The country’s vast size and diverse terrain have made it difficult to implement a single traffic system that works for the entire nation.
As a result, different regions have adopted their own traffic patterns based on local culture and geography.
Moreover, the wide variety of vehicles used on Indian roads has also played an important role in determining the choice of right-hand side steering.
This is because it is easier for drivers to adjust to this type of steering when driving different kinds of vehicles, such as cars, buses, trucks, and motorcycles.
In conclusion, India’s decision to choose right-hand side steering was greatly influenced by its unique geographical and cultural factors.
These factors have shaped the country’s traffic patterns over time and continue to do so today.
How Does the Infrastructure Support the Use of Right-Side Driving?
Right-side driving is the practice of driving on the right side of the road, which is now the norm in most countries.
To ensure that this practice is successful and safe, there are many infrastructure factors that need to be taken into account.
These include road structure, lane markings, signage, lighting and other features that favor right-side steering.
Let’s explore how these infrastructure factors support the use of right-side driving. and how they are implemented in order to be a successful and safe practice.
The structure of the road includes pavement, lane markings and signage. Pavement is the surface on which vehicles travel upon, while lane markings define the width of each travel lane and signs provide instructions to cars during their journey.
Lane markers are typically a paint line on either side of the road that separates two consecutive lanes within driving lanes that run perpendicular to the direction of traffic flow (left-side driving).
Right-side driving is synonymous with being on the right side of these lines when traveling in one direction or another.