Missile mishap: Indian missile ends up landing in Pakistan

Last updated on March 12th, 2022 at 03:24 am
India issued a statement on Friday clarifying that the missile that earlier landed on Pakistan’s territory was an accident.
This was after an unarmed supersonic missile accidentally landed in Pakistan from its origin point near Sirsa in Haryana. The missile was directed towards the Mahajan Field Firing range in Rajasthan but it oriented towards the west and landed in Pakistan.
The Union Ministry of Defense the mishap saying that it regrets to inform that there was technical malfunction from their end which essentially led to the accidental landing in the neighboring country.
The incident took place on March 2, 2022, and the ministry explained that the accident happened during a routine maintenance procedure. On Wednesday, the missile landed in Pakistan’s Punjab and in area called Mian Channu after disturbed projectile.
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The government has ordered a high-level inquiry in the matter led by the high court of the country. India is also considering some strict actions on the accident and the statement also confirmed that there was no loss of life in the neighboring country due to this mishap.
Many were suspecting it to be a BrahMos missile however, the government did not give any clarification on the matter. The statement just explained how it was an accident that the supersonic missile landed in Pakistan. The clarification was a result of Pakistan’s military claims saying that a missile had entered its airspace but it did not have a warhead.