It’s Time To Take Control: 7 Effective Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Cancer

Take control of your health and encourage your friends and family to do the same – because even small lifestyle changes can have a big impact. Choose one or two behaviours to start with and move on to the others gradually.
Preventing cancer is both good news and bad. Bad because there is no fullproof method to keep the condition at bay and good, as everyone can take certain steps to significantly lower their risk. Read on for seven everyday behaviours that experts believe can make a difference.
Keep Cancer At Bay With These Seven Tips
1. Maintain a healthy weight
Fit physical activity and movement in your daily routine. Try to stand more, limit time in front of the TV and computer, and limit sugary drinks. Maintaining a healthy weight can be hard, but it has amazing benefits including lowering the risk of 13 different cancers.
2. Quit smoking
Keep trying! Stay tobacco-free. If you smoke or prefer smokeless tobacco, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your health. Talk to a health professional about quitting as it can double the chances of success. Raise awareness about the risks.
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3. Choose a healthy diet
Focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains and steer clear of red meat and processed meat. It is also important to cut back on bad fats and choose healthy fats more often. Eating a healthy diet is best, but consider a standard multivitamin if you regularly fall short.
4. Limit alcohol
Drinking alcohol can increase your chances of developing 6 different cancers, and just a half or one drink per day can elevate the risk of breast and colon cancer. Overall, zero alcohol is the healthy used choice. Talk to an expert if you feel your addiction needs attention.
5. The sun isn’t always great
The sun can feel good but too much exposure to it can cause skin cancer, including melanoma. If possible, avoid direct sunlight between 10 am and 4 pm. Use hats, long-sleeved shirts and sunscreens. Moreover, remember that tanning beds can be just as harmful.
6. Protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections
Sexually transmitted infections can cause a number of different cancers. Protecting against these infections is crucial. Practice safer sex. It’s also important to follow HPV vaccine recommendations for children and adults.
7. Get screening tests
Several screening tests can help protect against cancer. Some of these tests find cancer early, allowing early treatment, and others can help keep cancer from developing in the first place. Guidelines very, but talk to your healthcare provider for more information as soon as possible.