ISRO and ICG saved the lives of nine sailors stuck between India & Maldives through a DAT device

Last updated on October 7th, 2021 at 04:51 am
Distress Alert Transponder (DAT) is an indigenous device developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) with the supervision of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG), the device recently has saved the lives of 9 Indian sailors with its unique technology.
9-crewed Mechanised Cruising Vessel (MSV) Annai Vailankanne Arockia Vennila, was stranded on the excessive seas and confronted with on-board flooding amid tough sea circumstances when it was cruising between Tuticorin (south Tamil Nadu) and the Maldives. Due to the technical gap, they were not able to reach out to the rescue team, however, with the help of DAT, the team of stranded sailors alerted Chennai Rescue Centre about their vessel.
In times like such, DATs become very handy. Being designed specifically for fishermen and boatmen in India, the device is a low-cost and effective outer transmitter. At a property of a button, this instrumentality transmits distress alerts to the hunt and rescue authorities done the INSAT bid of satellites.
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The misery alert sent by these DATs is monitored 24x7x365 by the Coast Guard MRCC on the respective areas. Not only this but DAT is also time effective in searching and rescuing people in need. This device also helps fishermen receive other information such as potential fishing zone, weather alerts etc.
Established in 1983 with the commissioning of INSAT-1B, ISRO initiated a major revolution in India’s communications sector and sustained the same later.
According to ISRO, the INSAT system with more than 200 transponders provides services to telecommunications, television broadcasting, satellite news-gathering, and societal applications. It also gives live and updated information on weather forecasting, disaster warning, and search and rescue operations.
This rescue mission was a success as with the help of new conductive technology, lives of nine sailors could be saved.