No Tobacco Day: Quit Smoking With These Healthy Food Options

Some habits of individuals can result in so many problems, not only for themselves but also for their families. Chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol, and smoking are some of the injurious habits that can lead to many chronic diseases. Every year on this day, the whole world observes No Tobacco Day. May 31 is considered No Tobacco Day. Chewing tobacco is one of the major injurious habits that can cause chronic diseases like cancer. On this day, an initiative is taken to spread awareness about the harm that can be caused by chewing tobacco. Also, on this day, people are encouraged to quit smoking and replace these injurious habits with healthy ones.
Tobacco is injurious to health as it contains 5000–7000 chemicals, of which 50–60 are carcinogens that can cause cancer. Consumption of tobacco also leads to chronic diseases like high blood pressure, memory loss, and even heart stroke.
We are here with healthy food options you should opt for and quit smoking.
7 Healthy Food Options to Quit Smoking
1) Fruits and vegetables

When you smoke, your body reduces the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, and at the same time, the need for vitamin C increases. One should eat fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in antioxidants and micronutrients, help you stay hydrated, and also help curb smoking cravings.

According to the experts, consuming peppermint in the form of candy or gum helps you deal with tobacco cravings when you are trying to quit tobacco. Smelling peppermint oil is also a good option. In general, peppermint can increase the brain’s dopamine levels, which helps curb the consumption of tobacco.
3) Spice sticks and vegetables

If you are unable to stop your smoking habit, then look for other options. Eat carrot sticks, cinnamon sticks, celery sticks, and nuts to reverse the injurious effects caused by consuming tobacco. All these foods are enriched with antioxidants and micronutrients, which help you stay healthy.

Drinking plenty of water is not only important to stay hydrated but also to deal with tobacco cravings. Water is a crucial part of the 4D’s, which help in managing tobacco cravings. The 4D’s are: delay, distract, drink water, and take deep breaths. Whenever you feel like craving tobacco, drink a glass of water to curb the craving.
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5) Mints and gums

Mints and gums play a very crucial part in dealing with tobacco cravings. Whenever you feel like smoking, eat chewing gum or mint and keep chewing until your craving is managed. It takes 90 seconds to curb the cravings, so keep your gums and mints to yourself all the time.

Milk cans are one of the best healthy food options to reduce smoking. Drinking milk or eating other dairy products makes the taste of cigarettes worse. Drinking milk helps you curb your tobacco cravings.
7) Fresh Lime Juice

When you smoke, your body craves Vitamin C, and that’s why lime juice is one of the healthy options to quit smoking. Consumption of fresh lime juice makes you fit and makes your immune system stronger.