With the third wave looming in India, a rise in Covid-19 cases is expected in October

Medical experts from the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) have warned that an imminent third wave of Covid could peak around October. All the government bodies are working tirelessly to curb the spread but due to the enormous population in India, it is difficult to ensure the safety and well-being of all.
It should be noted that India’s COVID-19 tally had crossed the grim milestone of three crore cases in June. Although more than 57.05 crore vaccine doses have been provided to states and UTs so far and as per the Union Health ministry, they confirm that another 13,34,620 doses are in the pipeline
Having sufficient vaccines, over 3.44 crore unutilized vaccine doses are still available to be administered. The ministry ensured that the Union Government is committed to accelerating the pace and expanding the scope of COVID-19 vaccination throughout the country.
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A report from the Health Ministry also states that kids will be at grave risk of getting infected in time to come just as much as adults have been. There needs to be better medical preparedness for such children. pediatric facilities — doctors, staff, equipment like ventilators, ambulances, etc. are nowhere close to what may be required in case a large number of children become infected.
After a thorough study on the vulnerability of covid on kids and their recovery path, the study shows a holistic home care model, an increase in pediatric medical capacities, and prioritizing mental health issues of children should be focused and given utmost priority. Santosh Kumar, coordinator of the committee of experts and professors head of governance and public policy at NIDM mentioned that preparedness is the key, learning from the past two waves.
We need to take proactive actions now in anticipation of the third wave. States may start enhancing pediatric Covid care facilities for treatment, ICU, pediatric ambulance, medicine, including pediatricians should be ready and set to use.