Why Does The US Need India, More Than India Need The US?

The evolving relationship between the United States and India, is important for India but the bilateral relations between both countries are extremely important for the US.
While both countries desire closer ties, it is the United States that needs to firmly embrace India’s company. There are 5 major reasons for the United States needing India more than the other way around.
1. Geopolitical Stability
In a fast-fragmenting world with geopolitical instability, India provides stability and balance in the Indo-Pacific region. With China’s growing assertiveness, India is seen as a strategic ally in safeguarding the region against Chinese aggression. The United States recognizes India’s potential as a shield against China’s influence and expansion.
2. Technological Collaboration
The United States has shown a growing willingness to share advanced technologies with India. This marks a significant turning point in bilateral relations, as the US recognizes India’s technological capabilities and potential.
Collaborating with India allows the US to foster innovation and advance in cutting-edge fields such as AI, SaaS, Quantum Computing, Biotechnology, and Cybersecurity.
3. Strategic Partnerships
India has diversified its foreign policy and established strategic partnerships with various countries, including Russia, Japan, Australia, France, and Israel.
This diversification enhances India’s autonomy and leverage in the international arena. The United States needs India’s support and cooperation to maintain a balance of power and influence in the region.
4. Shared Democratic Values
India, as the world’s largest democracy, shares a commitment to a free, open, and democratic world order with the United States.
The two countries align on issues of justice, equity, and sustainability, and India’s prominent voice for the global South adds weight to these causes. India and the US can be natural allies in promoting a more peaceful and prosperous world.
5. Economic & Social Development
India offers a vast market and opportunities for economic growth. The United States can benefit from India’s market potential and collaboration in areas such as trade, investment, and technology.
India’s economic and social development can contribute to global stability and prosperity, aligning with the US’s interests.
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Thus as a conclusion, the United States needs India as a strategic partner to ensure geo-political stability, foster technological collaboration, counterbalance China’s influence, promote democratic values, and tap into India’s economic potential.
The truth is that both countries benefit from the relationship, but as per current scenario, the United States has a greater need for India’s partnership and cooperation.