Okay Google, Give Me A Coke, Coffee And Some Chips!

Till date, you used to ask Google for some information, images & videos. But now Google can also provide you tea, coffee, snacks, coke, and so on. Sounds crazy?
As you know, a general shopkeeper can take our request for tea, coffee, and chips within a short period of time if we go to the store and ask for them.
Similar to this, employees at IT company canteens are also used to deliver the essential food to the staff.
In this instance, Google just unveiled a new robot that will serve tea, coffee, and chips to the staff. It is important to note that this robot is ruining the Google business.
For the convenience of its employees’ afternoon tea, coffee, soda, and chips, Google has created robots with artificial intelligence technology.
It is notable that these robots behave like mechanical waiters and are capable of thought and conversation using their hands and eyes.
According to Google, these robots that were created using artificial intelligence technology have received the proper training.
It should be emphasized that using this method, everything the employees request is taken right away and given to them.
Google stated that it is not yet prepared to sell these robots, nevertheless, at the same time. According to Google executives, these robots are not meant to be sold and are now solely employed to assist Google personnel.
These robots are supposed to function exceptionally well since they are loaded with the most advanced information and technology.
The robot is constructed using technologies to comprehend the world, Wikipedia, and social media knowledge.
The inventors assert that these robots are entirely distinct from those made in the past and that the addition of AI technology has allowed the robots to fully comprehend and carry out instructions from humans.
As a result, it is significant that employees at the Google corporation no longer need to ask the cafeteria staff there for the foodstuffs they need; instead, they can ask these robots, and they will receive the thing they requested within a short period of time.