India To Deploy 120 Pralay Missiles At LAC China Border After Conflict

The Indian Force is going to buy 120 ‘Pralay’ ballistic missiles. These new generation surface-to-surface missiles will be deployed on the China & Pakistan borders.
A major boost to the defense forces in the simmering tensions with China due to the recent conflict in the Tawang region of Arunachal Pradesh The Centre has given its approval for the acquisition for 120 Pralay ballistic missiles to the Armed Forces.
The new generation of indigenously developed surface-to-surface missiles will likely be used along the frontier areas with Pakistan as well as China.
“A high-level meeting of the Defence Ministry cleared the acquisition of around 120 missiles for the armed forces and their deployment along the borders,” senior defense sources informed ANI.
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) last year in December conducted successfully the initial flight test for the surface-to-surface missile developed by the DRDO indigenously. Pralay missile.
Pralay is powered by solid propellant rocket motors as well as a host of other advanced technology. The missile’s guidance system incorporates the most advanced navigation system as well as integrated Avionics.
Pralay is capable of hitting and destructing targets within the range of 150 to 500 km and is launched using an unmanned launcher.
Pralay has an average speed of two thousand kilometers per hour and comes by a thermal or infrared scanner. It can be utilized in the dark to strike enemy targets.
According to reports they said the missiles would be made available for both the Air Force and the Navy, IANS reported.
Pralay Pralay is designed with the capability to take on interceptor missiles too. It is also capable of altering its path after traveling for a specific distance from the air According to experts, it provides the missile with the ability to completely destroy the targets of enemy forces.