Home Secretary Pushes Partial Country Lockdown Till June 30

As cases of Covid-19 hit the nation hard under the second wave, the Home Ministry has decided to extend a partial lockdown till June 30.
Strangely, while there is a declining trend in cases, there are more active number of cases to be noted as well.
In order to continue to break the cycle of active cases, there is a need for a lockdown. According to a formal statement shared by Union home secretary Ajay Bhalla, “The strict implementation of containment and other measures has led to a declining trend in the number of new and active cases, across States & UTs, barring some areas in the Southern and North-Eastern regions.”
The Eastern regions are grappling with cyclone conditions. Some states have also declared complete lockdowns. It is to be noted that any kind of relaxation by States or Union Territories will be considered at an appropriate time and be followed in a graded manner, after assessing the local situation, requirements and resources.
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The need for complete or partial lockdown had previously been pushed by the opposition party to which the Centre had left the decision to individual states and union territories. India has taken a long time to recover from the initial blow of the first wave when the economy went on a complete lockdown for more than 90 days.
PM Narendra Modi has been weary of a complete nationwide lockdown looking at the damage it would do to Indian medium and small scale businesses.
Currently, the Home Secretary is asking states to create their own strategies to contain the spread of the Covid-19. In Delhi and some other states, Black Fungus is the new epidemic to be looked at.