Congress questions BJP over its silence on China issue

Last updated on November 19th, 2021 at 05:28 am
Delhi –Indian National Congress has expressed concerns over Bharatiya Janata Party’s neglect towards CHina’s inching steps towards India. On Thursday, Congress stressed that PM Narendra Modi is choosing to be silent on China’s territorial aggression.
This was in the context of the pictures released online a few days ago where it could be seen that China has started constructing societies over Bu=hutanese territory over the course of last year.
A spokesperson for the party, Gaurav Vallabh stated, “The new construction by the Chinese on Bhutanese soil is particularly worrying for India since we advised Bhutan on their external relations policy and are also training their armed forces.”
He also added that the Indian army has taken illegal Chinese incursions and why is the Indian government not honoring the sacrifices of the brave hearts who are on the border. He regressed the images and said that the government failed at various instances when dealing with the issue.
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Emphasizing on how the Indian side is not responding to the aggression of China be it verbal, geographical, military, or strategic. Modi should step up and respond with aggression, stressed the Congress leader. To this, BJP spokesperson Tom Vadakkan said that the information Vallabh is talking about is not yet verified.
“Firstly, this absent-minded professor is sharing unverified information on behalf of Congress. Secondly, we have been asking them to share the content of the MoU signed between the Congress president and China.” He also added that the center has always acknowledged the efforts of the Indian army and the sacrifices of the soldiers. If they portray that we do not care about them, then it is totally wrong.