Cartoon vs Anime: Things in Common, Difference, a definite comparison between the two

Japanese Anime and Cartoons are often referred to as the same. But if you ask an anime fan he/she will tell you that cartoons and anime are way different from each other.
While there are a lot of similarities between the two, there are a lot of differences too. The main differences lie in the roots or origin, storytelling techniques and target audiences of the two genres. Let us understand this properly below.
Main Differences between the two genres;
Origin and Evolution
Anime is characterised by its distinct art style that features intricate backgrounds and fluid animation. It also has a diversified list of genres from action, romance, comedy and sci fi etc.
Anime is a style of Japanese animation that originated in Japan in the 20th century. Over time it has evolved into a distinct form of animation with its own unique style of storytelling. It has a distinct form of artistic wavelength.
Cartoons on the other hand have their roots in western culture. Cartoons originated in the USA in the late 19th and early 20th century. The main reason for developing the cartoons was to give a boost to comedy. Over time cartoons evolved into a versatile form of animation that encompasses a wide range of genres and storytelling styles. It is more simplified and plain than anime. Its animation is less fluid than anime.
Plot and Storyline
Another difference between the two is in the plots and storyline. Anime has a lot more detailed and complex storytelling. Anime may consist of multiple plotlines and character arcs that are often woven together to create a surreal rich immersive experience.
Cartoons on the other hand are less complex and often rely on simple and straightforward storytelling.
Therefore anime is better suited for those who are looking for more in depth and complex viewing options while cartoons are for audiences who want to have a fun experience and hearty laugh.
Demographics and Target Audience
Another key difference between the anime and cartoons are its audiences. While anime can be enjoyed by all age groups, it is directed to a more mature audience and deals with darker and more serious themes.
Cartoons on the other hand are typically aimed at younger audiences and often feature light hearted content based on humorous themes. Anime is often released as series and seasons while cartoons are released as movies.
Animation Techniques
While there is a similarity in production techniques usage by both anime and cartoons, such as storyboarding, voice acting, character design, and celluloid production, Animes are considered a form with limited animation with less usage of new drawings and the common parts are reused between frames instead of drawing each frame. ,
This actually is a trick that helps the producers by reducing the number of frames to be drawn as the viewer’s eye is fooled into thinking that there are more movements than what is actually going on.
Anime scenes place an emphasis on achieving 3D views. Background of the Anime gives the sense of atmosphere. For example, anime puts emphasis on changing seasons (often referred to as “cours”) all around the year and this is often seen in various anime, for example Tenchi Muyo.