Sharad Purnima 2023: When To Keep Kheer In Moonlight, Lunar Eclipse?

Sharad Purnima is indeed a special occasion celebrated with much devotion across India. But this year, it comes with an interesting twist as it will coincide with a lunar eclipse and Sutak.
Sharad Purnima is on October 28th, starting at 04:17 am, and will end on October 29th at 01:53 am. The lunar eclipse, on the other hand, will happen on the same day, starting at 01:06 a.m. and ending at 02:22 a.m.
This makes the situation unique because the lunar eclipse will also have its Sutak period, which is considered impure and starts 9 hours before the eclipse. So, the Sutak period will be from October 28, 02:52 p.m. to 02:22 a.m.
Due to the Sutak period, many activities including cooking and eating are avoided. So, it’s not a good idea to keep the Sharad Purnima Kheer under the sky during the lunar eclipse.
Astrologers suggest that the best time to keep the kheer under the moonlight is on the morning of October 28th, right when the Sharad Purnima date starts at 04:17 a.m.
The moon will set at 04:42 am, and you can eat the kheer after that. Another option is to prepare the kheer after the lunar eclipse ends at 02:22 a.m. and then place it under the moonlight.
The practice of keeping kheer under the moonlight during Sharad Purnima is steeped in cultural and religious significance. It is believed that on this night, the moon’s rays have healing qualities.
The ingredients of kheer, which are milk, rice, and sugar, are considered to be closely related to the Moon. Therefore, when the moonlight falls on the kheer, it is said to become enriched with medicinal properties.
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So, you can either prepare the kheer before the Sutak period and keep it under the moonlight in the early morning of October 28, or make it after the eclipse ends and then place it under the moonlight. Both ways, it’s important to respect the traditions while enjoying the festival to its fullest.