Pfizer Moderna Ready To Supply Centre With Covid-19 Vaccine And Pre-Conditions

In a meeting with the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the American pharma giant Pfizer has made it clear that it was advance payment for a pre-order confirmation.
There are other kids on the block also offering India with their doses like Moderna and Astra Zeneca. Both Moderna and Pfizer are willing to give India 5 crore Covid vaccines every year.
India’s sizable population will need this kind of vaccine support going ahead. Pfizer is the only vaccine company that is setting down conditions for the usage of its vaccine. With India, is had earlier withdrawn its emergency use authorization request, when India inquired about the efficacy and side effects of the vaccine.
External Affair Minister S.Jaishankar is already in the US to negotiate a deal for India and its neighbouring nations. One big dampener for India could be the temperature storage restriction that comes with the Pfizer vaccine.
Pfizer might also press upon the indemnity clause as it has in the past with Africa. It has not pushed with India so far, though there is only more sense in doing so, owing to the level of mistrust amongst Indians about medicine and its side effects. It has taken focused messaging and repeated social media campaigns to even convince people to start getting themselves vaccinated at the earliest.
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According to confirmed information from the US itself, Pfizer has agreed to transfer the technology required for co-production of the jab to the Indian government of certain conditions. On its part, the Centre will have to make arrangements to include research and modifications to handle coronavirus variants, if any.
It is hilarious to note that the Indian states had been seeking doses from the American manufacturers directly, bypassing the Centre. However Moderna and Pfizer has been wise enough to route the call back saying it will only sign a deal with the Union government and no one else. Delhi and Punjab governments had sought doses directly from the manufacturers but both companies declined the requests.