Biden and Bibi Clash Over Gaza Carnage Intensifies

Biden and Bibi Clash Over Gaza – The clash between President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu over the escalating carnage in Gaza dominated their phone call on Sunday. As the Gaza carnage shows no signs of abating, the White House is urgently pushing for an immediate ceasefire to halt the spiralling death toll.
Biden and Bibi Clash Over Gaza
Over 400 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed so far, with shocking footage of dismembered bodies and bloodied children circulating globally. This civilian carnage has sparked outrage and condemnation around the world.
“The level of civilian carnage is becoming unconscionable,” Biden bluntly told Bibi during their call according to sources. However, the Israeli PM showed no signs of backing down, insisting Hamas has turned Gaza into “a fortress of terror that must be neutralized at all costs.”
Carnage Clash Raises Ground Assault Fears
Heightening the Biden and Bibi clash over Gaza carnage is Netanyahu’s threat to send ground troops into Rafah, Gaza’s second-largest city where 1.5 million Palestinian civilians have taken refuge. This raises fears of even greater carnage.
“President Biden made clear his red line on avoiding mass civilian carnage in any assault on Rafah,” the White House statement warned after the call. But Bibi seems unmoved, with one official saying he “will do whatever it takes to stop the carnage of Hamas rockets on Israeli cities.”
Biden & Bibi’s Hostage Carnage Clash
The horrific carnage is exacerbating already explosive conditions in Israel, with protests growing over the 50+ soldiers and civilians taken hostage, demanding vengeance for the carnage.
“We will make Hamas pay in blood for their carnage against our people,” one protester screamed, waving photos of dismembered Israeli victims of the carnage.
Some analysts believe Bibi’s bellicose rhetoric amid the hostage crisis is aimed at forcing Hamas to free the hostages by making them fear even greater Israeli carnage.
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No End to Biden & Bibi’s Carnage Clash?
“The longer this cycle of carnage lasts, the harder it will be for Biden to constrain the Israeli response,” said expert Jamal Zakaria. “At some point, the hostage crisis may force Biden’s hand to greenlight a ground invasion that could devastate Gaza with even more carnage.”
For now, the White House appears determined to resolve the spiralling Biden and Bibi clash over Gaza carnage through a negotiated ceasefire settlement. But with civilian and military casualties mounting by the hour, that could soon become an extremely tough sell for Biden in the face of Bibi’s unbending stance.