Will Canada Pay The Price For Ongoing Khalistan Movement?

Despite India’s requests & evidence, Canada kept sheltering the terrorists in its territory. Will Canada have to face consequences of Justin Trudeau’s mistakes?

The Canadian PM Justin Trudeau had made some fake allegations over India, regarding the killing of Khalistani terrorist Najjar. His administration also expelled a senior Indian diplomat. In return, India also expelled a senior Canadian diplomat.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau blamed that India murdered the Khalistani terrorist within Canadian territory, without any evidence. The statement is obviously absurd and motivated.

Justin Trudeau is possibly trying to appeal to Khalistani separatist supporters for votes and his self political gains.

In fact, India has informed the Canadian government about the terrorists, extremists and separatists several times with evidence, and asked to take legal actions.

But the Canadian government has a special sympathizing behavior towards the terrorists, extremists and separatists. Canada provided shelters to them and kept them protected.

How Did Canada Protect Khalistani Terrorist Nijjar For Several Years?

Hardeep Singh Nijjar was a Sikh separatist leader who was found sheltered in Canada. He was involved in several terrorism-related activities including-

  • Over 10 cases of targeted killings in Punjab
  • Funding separatist activities
  • Running terror camps, and
  • Having links with Pakistani agents.

The Interpol had issued a ‘red corner notice’ against him, designating him as a terrorist. Despite India’s requests for his extradition, Canada never deported him. Instead, the Canadian government granted him Canadian citizenship.

How Did The Khalistan Movement Emerge In Canada 45 Years Ago?

The Khalistan Movement had started in Canada during the 1970s, when many Sikhs had to seek refuge in Canada. It was due to the political harassment against them in India at that time.

Sikhs were so persecuted by the Indira Gandhi-led government that they started demanding a separate Sikh homeland, named Khalistan.

In the 1970s, the diplomatic relations between India and Canada also worsened over the issues related to nuclear technology. Amid the both situations, Khalistani elements found a safe haven in Canada.

Over the years, the political situations in India became better and there was no need of any separate Sikh homeland anymore.

Despite this, some of the Khalistani groups in Canada have continued promoting their separatist agenda, and get involved in the terrorist activities in India.

Will Canada Have To Pay The Price For Trudeau’s Mistakes?

India and Canada are not enemies, but Canada is behaving like one. Instead of building a healthier bilateral relationship, it is sympathizing and protecting terrorists, extremists, and separatists in its territory.

Despite several urges and evidence from India, Canada has never taken any action and is protecting such negative elements in its territory.

Also Read:- Taiwan’s Struggles To Get Support Amidst China’s Military Threats

We have already seen what happened with the US protecting Osama Bin Laden (9/11 attack) and Afghanistan protecting Saddam Hussein.

We are witnessing ongoing extensive and severe economic and political crises in Pakistan because they have been funding terrorists in their country. We don’t think Canada should make the same mistake; it should learn from these countries.

It’s an era of globalization, and every country has realized that they can’t grow alone; they need the support of each other in terms of resources, trade, and the exchange of technology.

The success of the recent G20 summit, BRICS, and the IMEC Corridor are solid proofs for this. Canada should be aware of this and should not repeat the mistakes, or it will have to pay the price in future!

National Correspondent(Smiriti Ramana)

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