
Chennai Foods More Than Idli And Dosa

Chennai is a big city in the Tamil Nadu state. It is a wonderful place for people who enjoy good…

May 29, 2024

Tamil Nadu Attracts Tech Giants: Google to Establish Drone Manufacturing Unit in Chennai

Tamil Nadu is attracting tech giants to start manufacturing in its city. Recently, after Apple, Google also wanted to start…

May 24, 2024

No Electricity Since 3 Days In Chennai, Aftereffects Of Cyclone Michaung

The Michaung cyclone, which brewed over the Bay of Bengal, has significantly affected Chennai and nearby areas. Since its landfall…

December 7, 2023

Cyclone Michaung To Hit Andhra Pradesh Today, After Troubling Chennai

Chennai, the capital and a major city in Tamil Nadu, has faced harsh weather conditions due to Cyclone Michaung. Sadly,…

December 5, 2023

Superstar Rajinikanth says ‘please don’t push me to change my mind, my decision is final’

Tamil film superstar Rajinikanth stated his decision on not venturing in politics pointed towards the Hyderabad incident as a God-sent…

January 12, 2021

How Chennai turned the tide on COVID-19

A bottom-up strategy has helped the city municipality maintain their daily caseload and prevent it from spiralling. That the number…

October 20, 2020

Complete lockdown in Chennai: Deserted roads, active police with stringent rules

Friday started with Chennai going under complete lockdown in an attempt to curb the rapid increase in coronavirus cases in…

June 19, 2020

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