Obama Went Wrong in Understanding India

Divisions in Indian politics have become so sharp and bitter that even if a foreign leader criticizes Prime Minister Narendra Modi and India, many people and parties in India are happy and welcome it. If a foreign newspaper publishes an article critical of India’s economy or economic or foreign or defense policy, some welcome it in India.

Interestingly, these people are also patriots. When former US President Barack Obama, in a recent interview, criticized India’s minority policy and expressed fears that it would lead to India’s disintegration, Obama’s criticism did not come from India.

Obama had previously warned that if minorities’ rights were not upheld, the nation might “start pulling apart.” It is impossible to avoid this statement, and coming from an ex-President of the United States, it is unacceptable!

Obama should take a breather before discussing the world’s largest democracy.

India is the largest democracy in the world and the Prime Minister of this state is elected by a fair direct voting system. No one has the right to say anything about India without knowing its depth. And when a man is a former representative of the White House—the oldest democracy—he must be careful!

At least they should look at their act before pointing the finger at India.

I remember when Mr. Obama was in power the US bombed Muslim-majority countries including Syria and Yemen.

Voices should be raised: Obama should regret his mistake Obama went wrong in understanding India

There are several points why Obama should be sorry. Let us summarize each of them in a few brief points-

1.   India is the largest democracy in the world

The Prime Minister in India is elected by 140 crore direct voters. A citizen of India makes a person PM.

And western countries will probably never understand this, they are focusing on the government rather than the government-making process.

Perhaps Obama is similarly confused!

2.   Hindu Nationalism

Hindu nationalism is a concept that the Western world has always shied away from.

But India is the land that belongs to the Hindus. However, the world has adopted Muslim secularism and Muslim nation theory so now they do not want to accept this pure and fair theory of Hindu nationalism.

For the last 75 years, India is moving ahead with the principle of secularism which was implemented by the British and followed by Gandhi and Nehru.

But now the society of India is not in the mood to have tolerance regarding their faith and religion, they want apparent acceptance of their beliefs like world-adapted Muslims.

Modi is not promoting his agenda of Hindu nationalism, he is just a thread running through the desire of 140 crore people for Hindu nationalism.

West and Obama can get away with it. They should know the society of India.

Let me clarify that Hindu nationalism is only about “demanding their religious rights, beliefs, and acceptance by Hindus”. They are very sensitive about their religion now, they don’t want to disturb other religions.

Hindu is a peaceful religion, it does not believe in “conversions and forced conversions”.

Apart from these India is a secular country so Hindus have to live like Muslims live in the world.

The West and Obama are still in the principle of the elite class and fake secularism. But India is promoting the glory of equality!

Obama and West should stop and think-

Modi is both an Indian and a global leader. He is the largest owner of seven Muslim countries: Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Palestine, and the Maldives.

Modi does not support any ideology and does not oppress Muslims or minorities.

He is working on the project “SBKA SAATH, SBKA VIKHAS, SBKA VISWAS.” India is a secular country where all minorities are safe, have equal opportunities, and can grow in the world’s largest democracy.

So, many people are criticizing Obama’s remark. We also criticize Obama for their memorable flaw.

“India is the world’s most diverse country.” It is not a perfect country, just as the United States is not, but its diversity is its strength… Even in his criticism, President Obama couldn’t help but compliment Prime Minister Modi, and I certainly understand why after spending time with him,” Moore said.

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Mr. Obama’s remarks “shocked” Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who is also a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Finally, Obama and the West should learn about Indian society and accept the truth of HINDU NATIONALISM before making any false statements.

National Correspondent(Smiriti Ramana)

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