NIA Cracks Down On International Human Trafficking Rings Across 10 States

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is a powerful central agency to investigate serious crimes that have national significance. The agency has started a big search operation that’s happening in 10 states across the country. 

These states are Tripura, Assam, West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Haryana, Puducherry, Rajasthan, and Jammu and Kashmir. 

The reason for these NIA raids is quite serious—it’s about human trafficking, which is when people are illegally transported, usually for forced work or exploitation.

The NIA got tips that there are people and networks involved in this crime and are now working with the police in each state to find more information and catch those responsible.

The NIA caught a person named Imran Khan in Tamil Nadu. He was hiding after being involved in a case where people from Sri Lanka were being trafficked. The case isn’t just happening within our country only but also across borders.

Back in October 2021, the NIA had already accused five people in a charge sheet—a document that lists the charges against someone in court. 

By now, 13 people have been charged in this particular case of trafficking Sri Lankans. Imran Khan, Rasool, Satham Ushen, Dhinakaran alias Ayya, Kasi Viswanathan, and Abdul Muheetu are some of the accused.

But it’s not just about one case. The NIA is looking into several situations where people are being tricked by the promise of a better life elsewhere, like a good job or a chance to go to Canada, and then they end up being trafficked.

Last year, the NIA even looked into how Rohingyas and Bangladeshi Muslims were being smuggled into India and given fake papers to live here. Human trafficking is a big problem with connections that go beyond our country, which is why the NIA is involved.

The NIA has a special team just for these kinds of cases because human trafficking is not just a crime; it’s a violation of human rights and dignity. 

Also Read: India-Bhutan Set To Connect With First Rail Link, Solar, EV Projects

They’re working to pull the curtain back on these networks and help save those who might become victims of trafficking. It’s a challenging task, and the ongoing searches are a significant step in tackling this issue.

Bharat Bhushan

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