India To Host SCO Summit In Virtual Format To Boost Global Security

India is set to host the virtual Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit on July 4, 2023. The summit will be led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and will include the participation of various SCO member states and observer states.

The theme of the summit is “Towards a SECURE SCO,” focusing on security, economy and trade, connectivity, unity, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the environment.

India’s involvement in the SCO dates back to 2005, and it became a full member in 2017. Over the years, India has actively participated in SCO operations and has contributed significantly to the organization.

During its presidency, India has worked towards fostering new areas of cooperation and has established five new pillars in the SCO, including startups and innovation, traditional medicine, digital inclusion, youth empowerment, and shared Buddhist heritage.

India has also played a role in introducing two new mechanisms within the SCO, namely the Special Working Group on Startups and Innovation and the Experts Working Group on Traditional Medicine.

The country’s active engagement has been instrumental in promoting cooperation and dialogue among member states.

The SCO summit will also see the participation of SCO member states like Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, also including China and Pakistan.

Observer states such as Iran, Belarus, and Mongolia have also been invited to the meeting. Additionally, the heads of six international and regional associations, including the UN and ASEAN, are expected to be part of the summit.

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The authority and influence of India in the SCO summit is increasing significantly. India is also showcasing its achievements, contributions, initiatives and also engaging in regional and global issues.

The SCO summit has become a platform for strengthening cooperation, advancing the goals and principles among the member states.

National Correspondent(Smiriti Ramana)

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